Chapter 49 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing(披着羊皮的狼).jpg

ONCE UPON A TIME a Wolf resolved to disguise his appearance in order to secure food more easily. —
从前,有只狼决定改变外貌,以便更容易获得食物。 —

Encased in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock deceiving the shepherd by his costume. —
他穿上了一只羊的皮,和放牧的羊群一起吃草,通过这个伪装欺骗了牧羊人。 —

In the evening he was shut up by the shepherd in the fold; —
晚上,牧羊人把他关进了圈里; —

the gate was closed, and the entrance made thoroughly secure. —
大门被关闭,入口被彻底地封住。 —

But the shepherd, returning to the fold during the night to obtain meat for the next day, mistakenly caught up the Wolf instead of a sheep, and killed him instantly.

Harm seek. harm find.